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Fall and Halloween writing contest

Under Construction


The contest is free to enter. 4-H’s Writing Contest will be open from August 20th - Oct 31st 2021. The first-place winner in each category will have their story read on KMUZ Community Radio. For more information read this year’s guidelines below. Each writer may submit up to three entries to the contest. Use that however you want, for example, send one prose piece, or a short story and a flash piece, or send 3 poems, or 1 poem and 2 flash pieces, the possibilities are endless.  Please see the following ppt for some extra help : Contest 2020 Help 


Send us your: 

  • Poems
  • Short fiction (1page max) 
  • Limerick (5 sentences)
  • Haiku (3 Sentences)
  • Two-Three sentence stories
  • Creative nonfiction (1page max)


Baker County : as an attachment to [email protected], and put “Fall contest + [your name + category]” in your subject line.

Stockphoto (Cropped from original)
Stockphoto (Cropped from original)

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