Harney County

Credit: Oregon State University (Cropped from original)

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Making the Future Better through Teaching, Service & Research!

In one year, Harney County Extension connects with an average of 20,000 people through workshops, seminars, committee meetings, volunteer programs, field days, newsletters, and individual consultations.

Educational programs/resources are offered in the areas of:

  • Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • 4-H/Youth Development
  • Family and Community Health

OSU Extension is a partnership of USDA at the federal level, OSU at the state level, and Harney County.

Quick Facts about Harney County:

  • Population (2019) 7,393
  • Established: 1889
  • Established Extension Office March 4, 1914
  • Elevation at Burns is 4,147'
  • County covers 10,133 square miles, Harney County is the largest and most sparsely populated county in the state of Oregon
    • Approximately 75% of the county is federal land and contains the Burns Paiute Indian Reservation
  • County Seat: Burns
  • Communities of Harney County include: Andrews, Buchanan, Crane, Denio, Diamond, Dreswey, Fields, Frenchglen, Hines, Lawen, Princeton, Riley, Wagontire
  • Population per square mile, 0.7 person per square mile
  • Average Max Temperature: 87o
  • Average Min Temperature: 44o
  • Annual Precipitation: 10.6" rainfall and 21.7" snow
  • Economy: Agriculture, livestock raising, forestry and recreation/tourism services constitute most of Harney County's economy
  • Prominent Natural and Community Features that serve as point of interest: Steens Mountains, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and Alvord Hot Springs


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Visitor information

Open to the public.

Hours of operation

Tue - Fri: 8:00 am-12:00 pm, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

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Tenga en cuenta que algunas oficinas pueden tener una capacidad limitada para respondera lasconsultas en español. Consulte nuestro directorio estatal de profesores y personal si desea comunicarse directamente con un empleado que hable español.

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“Pregúntale a Extensión” es una forma de obtener respuestas del Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University. Contamos con expertos en familia y salud, desarrollo comunitario, alimentación y agricultura, temas costeros, silvicultura, programas para jóvenes y jardinería.