Craft cider making: Fundamentals of hard cider production online course

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Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR
United States

Aug 19 - Aug 23, 2024

$2,500 (+ $60 registration fee)

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Aug 12, 2024 to Susan Yeager: [email protected] or 541-737-5759

Comuníquese con los organizadores del evento para confirmar que este evento se llevará a cabo en español o para solicitar interpretación en español u otras adaptaciones.

Oregon State University is one of only a few U.S. institutions that offers training on brewing hard cider. Taught by OSU Fermentation Science experts, this cider-brewing course introduces you to everything you'll need to successfully produce amazing hard cider.

You will learn the fundamentals of cider-making, and essential information on:

  • apple and pear varieties
  • apple and pear processing
  • cider chemistry
  • cider fermentation
  • sensory analysis
  • pasteurization
  • carbonation.

In this hands-on learning workshop, you'll get to engage with your instructors and peers and you'll be able to see (and taste) your results!

See also

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