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4-H Record Books

All Records Due - October 7, 2024

4-H Record Workshop offered annually in February

The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. Record books teach members valuable, lifelong skills in records, accounting, reporting, and written communication. In 4-H, youth have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development, and learning experiences, within their record books.

4-H Record Books serve a variety of purposes:

  • They allow members to reflect on their yearly work where they can measure their achievements and growth in their 4-H career.
  • They encourage members to set goals, develop plans to meet those goals and shift gears in the face of challenges and obstacles.
  • They unlock eligibility for 4-H scholarships, travel opportunities, leadership positions, and awards at the county, state, and national levels.

Recordkeeping is an ongoing, educational, and fundamental part of a member’s 4-H experience! We strive to make this a positive experience for all youth!

To help guide members Benton County 4-H hosts a record workshop annually with helpful tips for the novice and beginners as well as, updated information and reminders for the older experienced youth. Workshop registration opens in February with the event happening in March.

For additional help please review the Setting the Record Straight created by Benton County 4-H or WATCH our Tutorial.

Links to online forms: General Forms My 4-H Resume My 4-H Notes

All of the specific project forms you will need for your record book can be found on the State 4-H projects website.

In order to use the "fillable" forms you must open the link and download the file. This will allow you to complete the forms by typing your information in.

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