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4-H Cloverbud Program

The Oregon 4-H Cloverbud Program is designed to provide an opportunity for youth ages 5-8 (as of September 1) to participate in a developmentally appropriate learning experience separate and distinct from the regular 4-H club experience. Youth learn social skills, acquire life skills and have fun!

4-H Cloverbuds is a non-competitive program where youth participate in a wide array of short-term learning experiences over the course of a given year. Cloverbud clubs typically meet 1-2 times a month. They do not engage in a long-term course of study in a particular project area. Cloverbuds are recognized as "official" 4-H members in Oregon, but can only participate at the county level.

4-H Cloverbud enrollment for 2023-2024, is $45 per member. The enrollment fee is comprised of $30 which goes to the state (mandatory fee) and $15 to the county to help pay for expenses such as accident insurance for members and leaders, program event expenses, fair expenses, member and leader resources, copying costs, mailings, etc. Included in their enrollment fee Cloverbuds will have several opportunities to participate in camps/skills days, tours, etc. Each member will need to have completed the online enrollment along with submitting their enrollment fees prior to participating in club meetings, or 4-H events. After January 15, enrollment fees will increase.

We hope you agree that compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, 4-H delivers great value to its members for its annual calendar of events and available opportunities!

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