Forest Management Method (Silviculture Systems)

Managing your forest or woodland for the long haul takes forethought and knowing what you want your forest to look like and provide over time. Managing your forests involves the use of various silviculture systems and treatments. Silviculture is the art and science of regenerating, tending, and caring for your forest to achieve a variety of objectives whether it be for timber, wildlife, carbon, or aesthetics or a combination.

I will provide an overview of creating & managing even-aged, two-aged, and multi-aged forests. I also highlight common techniques used to manage your forest including harvest-regeneration systems (how you bring regeneration into your forest or stand) and intermediate stand treatments, like thinning. An important aspect that I will cover is how stands grow and trees compete for site resources. This is especially important in managing multi-aged stands.

Originally aired on May 19, 2020

Instructor: Stephen Fitzgerald, Director of College Research Forests, Forests & Extension Silviculture Specialist, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.


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