Rural economic development

Photo Credit: paulacobleigh - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: Esteban Martinena - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: khomlyak - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)

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Photo of Maranatha Farm, Klamath Falls, Courtesy of Alyson Yates. A farm setting with a red barn, tractor, blue skies, a horse trailer in the background, a garden, rolling hills, and dotted with leafy green trees.

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Assistant Professor

Contact me with questions about land use and land markets.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Contact me to discuss desired programming and educational needs related to irrigation and water quality in Oregon agriculture.

Open Campus and Agriculture Faculty

Contact me with educational and community development questions as well as agriculture questions.

Rebecca Thistlethwaite image
NMPAN Director

Contact for meat sales, science, & processing questions.

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