Faculty and Staff

Picture of Cathy Haas

Cathryn Haas


4-H Program Leader

Contact me with questions about statewide 4-H programming.

Programs: 4-H Youth Development

Amanda Alps

4-H Education Program Assistant

Programs: Jefferson County 4-H

Locations: Jefferson County

Sandi Anderson

4-H/FCH Education Program Assistant 2

Programs: Lane County 4-H

Locations: Lane County

Trisha Applebee

Trisha Applebee


Administrative Assistant to 4-H Program Leader

Contact me with questions about statewide 4-H programming, State Fair (non-animal science), Recognition, and Oregon 4-H Hall of Fame.

Programs: 4-H Youth Development

Mary Arnold

Youth Development & Evaluation Specialist

Programs: 4-H Youth Development

Jessica Barnett

4-H and FCH Education Program Assistant

Contact me with questions about 4-H programming and Snap-Ed in Gilliam County

Programs: Gilliam County 4-H

Locations: Gilliam County

Katie Baxter

Education Program Assistant 2, 4-H Youth Development Program

Contact me with 4-H questions in Douglas County Oregon

Programs: Douglas County 4-H

Locations: Douglas County

Photo shoulders up, smiling with brown hair worn up, wearing a rose sweater.

Miesha Bennett

Education Program Assistant

Programs: Wheeler County 4-H

Locations: Wheeler County

Candi Bothum

Candi Bothum

State 4-H Animal Science Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development

Expertise: Horses

Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Deschutes County 4-H

Locations: Deschutes County

Honour Bowen picture

Honour Bowen

Administrative Office Manager

Serves as local liaison between County clients, government and Oregon State University Extension.

Programs: Union County 4-H

Locations: Union County

Cindy Brown

4-H/FCH-SNAP Program Coordinator

Contact me for questions on 4-H youth development and healthy living programming in Sherman County as well as healthy living topics such as MyPlate, gardening, food preservation and food storage!

Programs: Sherman County 4-H , Nutrition Education and Outreach Programs (SNAP-Ed)

Locations: Sherman County

Mark Brown

4-H Associate Director

Programs: 4-H Youth Development

John Brunoe

4-H Educator, Family & Community Health Educator

Programs: Warm Springs 4-H

Sandra Carlson


4-H Program Coordinator

Contact for information on 4-H in Clatsop County

Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Clatsop County 4-H

Locations: Clatsop County

Lucinda Carter

Education Program Assistant 2, 4-H/FCH/SNAP-Ed

Programs: Lake County 4-H , Nutrition Education and Outreach Programs (SNAP-Ed)

Locations: Lake County

Dani Dávalos

4-H Program Coordinator

Hablo español (I speak Spanish)

Programs: Marion County 4–H

Locations: Marion County

Donna Christensen

Administrative Program Assistant

Programs: Malheur County 4-H

Locations: Malheur County

Photo of Susan Coleman, Administrative Program Assistant

Susan Coleman


4-H Administrative Program Assistant

Contact me for 4-H questions in Wasco County

Programs: Wasco County 4-H

Locations: Wasco County

KayLani Cruz Photo with fluffy dog and beaver athletics collar decoration.

KayLani Cruz

4-H Program Coordinator

Programs: Yamhill County 4-H

Locations: Yamhill County

Woody Davis

4-H Youth Development

4-H programming in Columbia County and Statewide 4-H Challenge & Adventure/Outdoor & Recreation

Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Columbia County 4-H

Locations: Columbia County

Amy Derby

Amy Derby

4-H Youth Development, Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Program, Local Liaison

Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Wheeler County 4-H

Locations: Wheeler County