Douglas County Master Gardener™ Program

Photo: Geoff Puryear (Cropped from original)

The Douglas County Master Gardener™ Association

The Douglas County Master Gardener™ Association (DCMGA) is celebrating 40 years of service to Douglas County. Founded in 1984, the DCMGA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works in collaboration with and in support of the OSU Extension Service.

Volunteer Operated Community Education and Outreach Programs

  • The Plant Clinic, one-on-one home gardening support.
  • The Discovery Garden, educational demonstration garden open to the public.
  • Community Education, weekly "Ask a Master Gardener" articles, educational conferences, and more.
  • Soil Testing Lab.

Learn more about what the DCMGA does and how it enhances our community at their website.

Credit: Signe Danler, © Oregon State University (Cropped from original)

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