Small Farms in the Mid-Willamette Valley (in English)

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The ripple effect in the community of folks
coming out to our workshops, gaining new skills,
connecting with other farmers, connecting
with different research projects that the university is
doing so they can be strong, successful, small farms.
The farmers need the science based knowledge
in a way that is easily understandable,
applicable to their specific need.
A lot of the small farmers in Marion County
are coming to farms as first generation farmers
and need a lot of support in terms
of education and resources.
So we provide that to them through workshops
and through publications.
I love going out to workshops and feeling the energy
in a room when we're talking about blueberry pruning
or nutrient management, and the farmers
are really engaged with the content and the material.
And they become regulars-- we call them extension junkies--
and create more of a network of farmers.
Very important part of the small farms program here in Marion
County is serving Latino farmers,
providing the resources that they need
and that are culturally and language appropriate.
In addition to working with folks
who are growing olives and strawberries,
we also work with farmers who are
growing diverse vegetables, with livestock farmers, pasture.
If you want more information, you
can go to our website, which is
Or you can give me a call at 503-373-3774,
and we'd be happy to answer any small farmers questions
or get you hooked up to our upcoming workshops.

This video illustrates how the OSU Extension Small Farms Program promotes economic and environmental sustainability of small farms by employing appropriate scale production and marketing techniques. The program works toward improving small farm horticultural production and small-scale livestock, poultry & forage production.

Features former Extension faculty members. See the Mid-Willamette Valley Small Farms page for current contacts.

Produced by Mary Stewart, OSU Extension and Michael Calcagno, Calcagno Media.

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