OSU Extension at Work - The Lopez Rubio Brothers at Gray's Farm (in English)

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there's five brothers on our management
team that are Oscar and his brothers and
each one of them has a title and Oscar
who's the middle brother who also has
the most responsibility but he also does
all the human resource stuff so he
decides who's going to do what every day
we couldn't possibly do what we do
without those guys those are always
showed us that one day give me enough to
support coming for me and from their own
I've been just getting more and more and
more and because our CEO I get my
license you I got my license for
pesticide training I think four or five
years ago we got a baby trolling so what
we do we call on those guys when I will
see you there they come out we look the
plants and we find out what type of what
we find like a less than 24 hour they
call back to my boss and say you know
this is what you got if you use Brady's
so we might be able to control down
the more I've learned right now is you
can stop learning every day something

Oscar Lopez Rubio makes learning his primary goal as mid-manager of the Gray farm near Albany. Much of his training and hands-on help in the fields come from the OSU Extension office of Linn County and Integrated Pest Management courses offered throughout the state.

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