2021 Agricultural Wildfire Refresher (in English)

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Jacob Powell, OSU Agricultural Extension Agent, provides tips for wildfire suppression and prevention for agricultural producers.

Katie Wollstein, OSU Rangeland Fire Extension Specialist, leads a discussion on the fire prevention plan created by the Lone Pine Rangeland Fire Protection Association (RFPA) (16:28). The discussion includes Ron Whiting, President of the Lone Pine RFPA, Toby White with BLM, and Zola Ryan with NRCS.

The webinar concludes with a roundtable discussion with fire managers in North Central Oregon on what farmers and ranchers should do when they have a wildfire and how they can best collaborate with first responders in suppression efforts (58:45). Fire managers include Chief Palmer from Mid Columbia Fire and Rescue, Rick Fletcher with ODF, Don Tschida with BLM, and Scott McDonald with the Forest Service.

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