Nick Andrews

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Photo of Nick in a vegetable field

Organic Vegetable Extension

Tenga en cuenta que es posible que esta persona no hable español.

Expertise: Organic agriculture , Soil , Vegetables and specialty seeds , Insects

Programs: OSU Small Farms

Links: OSU Organic Agriculture , Organic Fertilizer & Cover Crop Calculator , Croptime , Western Cover Crops Council


In 2020 Nick started serving as an OSU Organic Vegetable Extension specialist, from 2005 to 2019 he was a Small Farms Extension agent serving the Portland Metro-area. His work focuses on organic vegetable production including applied research on cover crops, nutrient management, vegetable degree-day models, and pest management. With colleagues he developed the OSU Organic Fertilizer & Cover Crop Calculator and Croptime. He is active in the Western Cover Crops Council, currently serving as Secretary.

Content by Nick Andrews

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