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Our Impact

Master Gardeners make a difference in their communities (November 2021 - October 2022).

  • In Oregon, there were 2,276 active Master Gardener volunteers.
  • Master Gardener volunteers were able to be of direct service to more than 78,713 Oregonians
  • Master Gardeners donated an estimated 27 tons of fresh produce, harvested from Master Gardener-managed community and demonstration gardens to local food banks and food pantries.
  • The number of gardening questions to OSU’s “Ask Extension” service grew 572% in the past four years (from 6,203 questions in 2019 to 41,676 in 2022!). 88% of these questions in 2022 were answered by Master Gardener volunteers.
  • New and innovative projects, programs and classes engaged thousands of gardeners in Oregon and beyond.

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