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Iris Care and Dig Workshop

Jefferson, OR

Location details will be provided to attendees.

Jul 13, 2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Jul 3, 2024 to Brooke Edmunds: [email protected] or 503-373-3765

Comuníquese con los organizadores del evento para confirmar que este evento se llevará a cabo en español o para solicitar interpretación en español u otras adaptaciones.

Come tour the gardens. Then participants will learn how and when to dig, divide, sort, label and re-plant fancy named bearded iris. Plan to take home a variety of free iris. Please feel free to stay for the pot-luck when the workshop is done!

Please bring gloves and clean pruners and/or scissors if you have them. There will be a pot-luck lunch after the workshop at noon. Please bring a dish to share.

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