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Master Gardener Myths

Wondering if being a Master Gardener Volunteer makes sense for your life? Here are some common myths dispelled.

Myth: to be a Master Gardener volunteer you need to have a huge, perfect garden.

Fact: Master Gardener volunteers grow everything from balcony tomato plants to formal gardens to urban farmlets to tiny bonsai trees. They grow in community plots, containers on windowsills and home gardens.

Myth: to be an OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteer you need to know all the answers.

Fact: Master Gardener volunteers learn how to diagnose plant problems and where to seek research-based solutions. Being curious and observant are the key skills.

Myth: to be an OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteer you need to have endless free time or be retired.

Fact: Working people, including parents and caregivers, are Master Gardener volunteers. The upcoming course offers increased flexibility for training and service.

Myth: to be an OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteer you need to spend a lot of money.

Fact: Training is offered on a sliding scale, simply request the scholarship option when applying. Costs of the program with a scholarship are similar to fees for a non-credit community college class.

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