credit: Andrea Leao (Cropped from original)

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June 19–23: Four Rivers 4-H Camp (Grades 4–8)

Director: Andrea Leao, Linn County
Sponsored by Benton & Linn Counties

The Four Rivers 4-H Camp invites youth who have just completed the 4th – 8th grade to participate in our fun filled summer camp! This year’s camp theme is "Folklore and Fairytales" so come prepared to have a magical time at camp! Every day is filled with new adventures, new experiences and a whole lot of fun! Campers will participate in swimming, archery, adventure swing, hiking, canoeing, crafts and theme -based activities and games! The evenings will be filled with skits, campfire and songs. Campers are placed in small camp teams (4-6 campers) which are overseen by trained high school aged 4-H counselors, who are supervised by highly experienced and trained 4-H volunteers and 4-H faculty. All of the activity is located on the beautiful 4-H Center with over 320 acres of lush forest, open pasture land and peaceful ponds. Campers will sleep in rustic and comfortable cabins.

Cost: $580/camper. Early-Bird Registration is $560/camper.
Payment plans available at registration. For scholarships, please contact your county's 4H Program Coordinator.

Register for Four Rivers Camp by June 5, 2024.

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