Webinar series launches to prepare Oregonians for wildfire season

CORVALLIS, Ore. – The Oregon State University Extension Service Fire Program is collaborating with state and community partners to launch a free webinar series to help prepare Oregonians for the 2021 wildfire season and beyond.

The “Wildfire Wednesdays” webinar series launches March 17 with a noon-1 p.m. presentation by Extension’s Forestry and Natural Resources Program’s Fire Program team. Webinars are scheduled for March 31, April 14, April 28, May 19, June 2 and June 16.

The 2020 Oregon wildfire season was one of the most destructive in state history. The fires killed at least 11 people, destroyed thousands of homes and burned more than 1 million acres. The smoke from the blazes blanketed western Oregon, leading to air quality that was hazardous for human health for two weeks. In response, the Fire Program joined with the Oregon Department of Forestry, Office of the State Fire Marshal and Keep Oregon Green to develop “Fire Aware. Fire Prepared.”

This statewide campaign will help Oregonians prepare for the reality of wildfire through greater awareness and actions, according to Carrie Berger, Extension Fire Program manager. Each of the webinars will introduce core ideas and list actions that families and communities can take to prepare themselves ahead of every wildfire season, Berger said.

“Last summer’s wildfire events impacted most Oregonians and we learned that everyone living in Oregon should be prepared for a wildfire emergency,” Berger said.

In addition to the webinars, Extension will also host local online sessions, where residents will learn details about fire and emergency response specific to their county or area. These sessions will provide opportunities for discussions on how to begin putting the things discussed into action.

The Extension Forestry and Natural Resources Program serves woodland owners and stewards, forest products industry and workforce, Christmas tree growers, agencies and municipalities, and outdoor enthusiasts. 

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