Photo: Keith Hall (Cropped from original)

Message from OSU Extension regarding June 26 Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District Budget Hearing

Today the Josephine County Commissioners heard public input and discussed the Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District budget for fiscal year 2025.

At the meeting there was a focus on the importance of transparency and clarity in use of public funds. We agree this is critical and are confident that current practices, including routine accounting, regular audits and open communication provide for this. In addition to the proposed service district budget and additional information that have been provided, we are available to address any further questions from commissioners.

We also want to be clear that everyone is welcome in 4-H and Extension. Our program procedures and guidelines clearly outline the many ways that personal religious expression and private religious activity may occur within the context of 4-H programming while ensuring that as a program we follow applicable laws and policies. We expect our employees, volunteers and participants to be familiar with these and abide by them.

Josephine County funds have supported local OSU Extension program delivery including 4-H, agriculture, forestry and health, for county residents for more than 100 years. We understand the impact these programs have had on people throughout the county and want to thank all the community members who are making time to engage in the county’s budget process. We hope the commissioners will also recognize the value of these programs and vote on June 28 to collect and allocate service district funds that are essential to support them.

Kris Elliott
Interim Vice Provost, Extension and Engagement
Interim Director, OSU Extension Service

See additional information.

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