Wind, Rain and Dead Tanoak: Sudden Oak Death in Oregon (in English)

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Sudden Oak Death has killed hundreds of thousands of tanoak trees in Oregon. How does this invasive pathogen spread? Where are the areas of concern? What species of trees and shrubs are affected? What are the symptoms? How can landowners help detect and report possible locations of this disease? In this class, you will learn about the invasive pathogen that causes Sudden Oak Death and the current status of detection and treatment efforts, management considerations for landowners, and efforts to find disease resistant tanoak.

Originally aired on January 19, 2021


  • Norma Kline, OSU Forestry and Natural Resource Agent, Myrtle Point, OR.
  • Dan Stark, OSU Forestry and Natural Resource Agent, Astoria, OR.
  • Sarah Navarro, USFS Regional Sudden Oak Death Pathologist, Portland, OR.


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