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So often i meet family forest landowners
and the first thing they say is I'm not
really a forest landowner I only have
three 10 acres of land my property's too
small to do anything.
The truth is there are over 50,000
forest land owners in Oregon and the
majority own less than 50 acres of land.
If you think about it if each one of
them just did one thing to increase the
biodiversity on their property there'd
be a huge impact across the landscape
We're talking 5 million acres of forest
land just with these supposedly small
forest landowners alone
There's so many great things you could
do on a small piece of property you can
install duck boxes or bat boxes around
your house for creating a snag a
standing dead tree that's home for
woodpeckers, flickers, bats and birds.
You can thin out a conifer stand and
encourage some of those fruiting trees
and shrubs that are very important for
migratory birds.
First step is going to be to figure out
what you have and how much time and
resources you're willing to invest from
There are many resources that you can
tap into like the Oregon State
University Extension service that will
help you chart your path to creating a
great wildlife habitat on your property

Nicole Strong with Oregon State University Extension discusses some of the considerations related to forest land ownership in Oregon.

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