Smoke Ready Oregon: Preparing for Wildfire Smoke (Recorded) (in English)

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Smoke from wildfires is becoming a reality that individuals and communities face each fire season. Want to learn how you can protect yourself and those you care about from wildfire smoke? In this webinar, we talk about smoke impacts to human health, how to access important air quality information and how to differentiate between the levels of air quality. We also cover things you can do right now to prepare.

Originally aired on May 2, 2022

Presenters: Margaret Miller (ODEQ) and Jamie Bash (OHA)

Webinar presentations slides - Smoke Ready Oregon


*Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality offer resources in multiple languages.*

Shelter grants available!

The Oregon Department of Human Services is offering grants for local governments, Tribal Nations and public education providers to address shelter needs for 1) Cleaner air shelters during wildfire smoke and other poor air quality events and 2) Cooling and warming shelters. More information can be found,

What is wildfire smoke and the Air Quality Index (AQI)?

Pro-action - resources to help you prepare for wildfire smoke

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