Out There Youth Voices in Action (in English)

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Imagine what our communities and nation would look like if young people were fully engaged as partners in the decisions that affect them and in the development of solutions to the issues facing their communities. Youth Voices in Action, and OSU Extension 4-H program, prepares youth leaders for the future by honing their leadership skills, practicing public speaking, meeting legislators and state agency representatives, working in teams, being challenged to think about issues that affect Oregon, and using their voices often. 4-H empowers young people with hands-on learning experiences to help them grow and thrive. By creating a safe and welcoming environment, young people develop the skills needed to make a positive impact on the world around them. Oregon State University Extension puts information and expertise within reach of all Oregonians so they may thrive in their communities, be lifted by growing economies, and share pride in the flourishing ecosystems of Oregon.

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