Managing Your Forest with Fire in Mind (in English)

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The fires of September 2020 were a brutal reminder that western Oregon is a fire-driven landscape, like southern Oregon and the East Side. Part of the new reality is a greater awareness that we need to manage forests and stands in western Oregon to be more resistant to wildfire, while still managing for other objectives such as recreation, wildlife habitat, and economics. This session will review the challenges and some of the management options we have such as spacing, arrangement, and species. We will consider how different strategies might be used to increase fire resilience along with other common values in woodland properties, communities, and landscapes.

Originally aired on December 15, 2020


  • Brad Withrow-Robinson, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Agent, Oregon State University
  • Glenn Ahrens, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Agent, Oregon State University
  • Amanda Rau, Fire Program Specialist, Oregon State University


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