Bees in the woods: Using water to enhance pollinator habitat (in English)

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(upbeat music)

- If you're a landowner

with even a little bit of
water on your property,

including a stream, a pond,
or even ephemeral water,

that is a really perfect opportunity

to increase pollinator habitat

and encourage the growth
of native plant species

that attract pollinators.

Here at the High Desert Museum,
we have a stream and a pond.

So some species that grow near water

and are great for pollinators
include Douglas' spirea,

willow, and forget-me-not.

Another benefit of
having a riparian habitat

is that it can extend your flowering time.

It can also increase the color, diversity,

and even shape differences
of these flowers,

which attract even more pollinators

and different types of
pollinators to your property.

(upbeat music)

This video describes how riparian areas and other water sources help to enhance pollinator habitat in your woods.

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