Lisa Parlette

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4-H Outreach Program Coordinator

Contact me with questions about 4-H programming in Josephine County

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Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Josephine County 4-H

Locations: Josephine County


Lisa graduated from Western Governors University in June 2020, earning a bachelor's degree in Elementary education from kindergarten to 8th grade and a bachelor's degree in Special education Kindergarten to 12th grade. During her time in University, she earned CLA+ proficient critical thinker award and an excellence award for Application of Elementary Mathematics Methods. Lisa has been volunteering with Girl Scouts for a total of 8 years. She has been a troop leader, troop treasurer, Service unit volunteer mentor, Service unit learning coordinator, Service unit Membership coordinator and more. She has worked as a teacher for Innovation learning. Prior to moving to Grants Pass in 2016, she worked as a school-age site director for the YMCA. Lisa finds it incredibly motivating and rewarding working with children and volunteers. She believes that every person should be a part of a strong community to help develop a robust sense of self and through strong communities more opportunities are created.

Content by Lisa Parlette

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