Keith Hall

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Education Program Assistant II

4-H and Master Gardener Interim Coordinator

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Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Josephine County 4-H , Josephine County Master Gardeners

Locations: Josephine County


Keith has been stewarding 13-acres in Southern Oregon since 2014. Along with his wife and two children, he has worked to implement permaculture practices to sustain and expand the existing fruit orchard, to increase food-based garden-yield, to manage and sustainably harvest the forested areas, to wildcraft native plants & medicines, and to restore the riparian zone of the East Fork of the Williams Creek that flows through the land.

Keith is also an accomplished musician, recording engineer and music educator. He has taught at Palm Beach State College and Full Sail University, both in Florida, and at the elementary level at Woodland Charter School in Murphy, OR. He has produced five albums of original music and has songs in two feature-length, award-winning documentaries: “Seed: The Untold Story” and the Emmy-nominated “Queen of the Sun”.

Keith holds a Bachelor's of Arts in Communications from the University of Central Florida.

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