Oregon State University Extension Service

Citizenship and civic engagement

 Project areas and opportunities surrounding International, State and Cultural Exchange; Community Service, Civic Engagement and Education. 4-H Civic Engagement is the knowledge, skills, attitudes and motivation that give youth the capacity to move beyond one’s individual self-interest and to be committed to the well-being of some larger group. 4‑H Civic Engagement programs empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world.

Youth make a positive difference by engaging in learning opportunities that give them a heightened sense of responsibility and capacity to connect as active members of their communities, nation and world.


  • Community Engagement
  • Civil Education
  • Service
  • Personal Development

Citizenship means helping out in your community and serving others without compensation. The 4-H’ersprimary goal is to benefit someone else

4-H Citizenship Project offers you the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. They will learn to care for and share with others through the skills and talents they’ve developed.

Source Benton County

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/4h/baker/citizenship-civic-engagement