Credit: Weston Miller (Cropped from original)

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Conifers of the PNW: Characteristics and natural history of conifers in the pine family

PCC (Portland Community College) Rock Creek

17705 NW Springville Rd
Portland, OR 97229
United States

Room 103 / Bldg 4

May 18, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

FREE. Registration NOT required.

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by May 6, 2024 to Jenifer Halter: [email protected] or 503-821-1150

Comuníquese con los organizadores del evento para confirmar que este evento se llevará a cabo en español o para solicitar interpretación en español u otras adaptaciones.

The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is one of the most diverse regions in the world for conifers. Our climate has much in common with many of the other areas of the planet where conifers are more common than flowering trees, making the PNW an ideal place to include both native and non-native conifers in the home landscape.

This talk will focus on the pine family (Pinaceae). We will walk the PCC Rock Creek campus examining the foliage, cone, bud, and bark characteristics that differentiate spruce, true fir, hemlock, Douglas-fir, larch, and true cedar. A bit of natural history on each of these groups of conifers will also be discussed.

Lisa Hansen and Elizabeth Price, OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers, will lead the class.

To learn more, please visit the Washington County Master Gardener Association website

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