Family Rosaceae — Rosa woodsii — Woods' rose

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There are several species of wild roses in the Pacific Northwest that grow in a variety of habitats. Woods' rose is more common east of the Cascades than west.

It is an erect, cane-bearing shrub that is characterized by five to seven leaflets that are oblong, coarse and singly serrated. The highly fragrant pink flowers are clustered with broad petals and are attractive to bees and other pollinators. The bloom period extends from late spring through early summer. This shrub is browsed by deer, spreads by runners and forms excellent habitat for songbirds. The elongated fruits are red and also utilized by songbirds.

Oregon Bee Atlas records show that this species is frequently visited by bumble bees (Bombus), summer digger bees (Anthophora), mining bees (Andrena), and various leafcutter familiy bees (Megachilidae). Anthophora can be observed.

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