Velvetleaf-Have you seen this weed?

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Velvetleaf was found in the Hermiston area in the late 1980's. It appeared to be transported into the area with lambs shipped from the Midwest. It was a small infestation. The location was monitored for several years. It appeared to be eliminated with an application of soil fumigant prior to potatoes being planted in the field. The burning question is: do you think you have seen it?

They are yellow to yellow-orange and have five petals that are slightly notched at the apices. When fully open, the flowers are about 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. Its seed capsules are distinctively cup-shaped and bristled on the tops.

Velvetleaf causes extensive economic losses in crops in the Midwest, and the potential exists for these economic losses to occur in Oregon crops if velvetleaf becomes established in this environment. A survey is being conducted in Oregon, and I am looking for sites in the area. If you have this weed or know where it is please contact Mary Corp.

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