Integrated Management of Wild Oat in the Pacific Northwest

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Albert Adjesiwor, Drew J. Lyon, Judit Barroso and Joan Campbell
PNW 759 | Published December 2021, Reviewed 2023


In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), wild oat has become a notable weed pest of small grain and rotational crops, including pulse crops, potato, sugar beet, and oilseed crops. It has infested more than 3 million acres of cropland in Idaho, costing small grain growers in the state alone more than 9 million dollars annually in control costs. Feeding its spread is the fact that it has developed resistance to several herbicides. This PNW provides all the basics you need to mount a defense against the stubborn grass, including its identification, crop impacts, and management strategies. A handy table also lists the brand-name herbicides to which the wild oat has developed resistance, upping the odds on your control efforts.

About the authors

Albert Adjesiwor
Weed Scientist, Kimberly Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
Drew J. Lyon
Weed Scientist
Washington State University
Joan Campbell
UI Weed Scientist

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