Inland Pacific Northwest Pasture Calendar

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Steve Fransen, Sergio Arispe, Mylen Bohle, Brendan Brazee, Scott Duggan, Richard Fleenor, Tipton Hudson, Richard Koenig, Scott Jensen, Donald A. Llewellyn, Amanda Moore, Ian McGregor, J. Shannon Neibergs, Steve Norberg, Ian Reid, Joseph Sagers, Glenn Shewmaker, Christy Tanner, Guojie Wang, Ashlee Westerhold and Carmen Willmore
PNW 708 | March 2024

A comprehensive guide for improved grassland management in support of forage-livestock systems. Applying the principles described will lead to improved regional economic, ecological and social sustainability. This publication describes the opportunities and challenges of sustainably raising harvested and grazed forages and developing forage-livestock systems in a diverse environment.

About the authors

Steve Fransen
Emeritus Forage and State Extension Agronomist
Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Washington State University
Brendan Brazee
USDA-NRCS Area Rangeland Conservationist
Kealakekua Service Center, Kealakekua, HI
Richard Fleenor
Rangeland Management Specialist
USDA-NRCS, Washington state
Tipton Hudson
Extension Rangeland and Livestock Management Specialist
Washington State University, Kittitas County
Richard Koenig
Professor of Soil Science
Department of Crop and Soil Science, Washington State University
Scott Jensen
Extension Livestock, Range and Pasture Educator
University of Idaho, Owyhee County
Donald A. Llewellyn
Extension Livestock Specialist, Director
Lincoln County Extension, Washington
Amanda Moore
State Resource Conservationist for Oregon
J. Shannon Neibergs
Extension Economist
Department of Economics, Washington State University
Steve Norberg
Regional Extension Forage Specialist
Washington State University, Franklin County, Washington
Ian Reid
Retired GIPS
Joseph Sagers
Extension Educator
Clark County, Idaho
Glenn Shewmaker
Emeritus Extension Forage Specialist
University of Idaho, Kimberly Research and Extension Center
Ashlee Westerhold
Department of Economics
Kansas State University
Carmen Willmore
Extension Livestock and Forages Educator
University of Idaho

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