Citizen Fire Academy: Curriculum Package for Facilitators and Educators

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Stephen Fitzgerald, Kara Baylog, Max Bennett, Rhianna Simes and Nicole Strong
EM 9168 | Published December 2017, Reviewed 2021


The Citizen Fire Academy (CFA) program equips participants with the knowledge they need to improve fire preparedness and resiliency on their own properties and in their communities. This curriculum offers interested educators or agencies the teaching tools needed to conduct their own CFA program, including lesson plans, detailed agendas, tour ideas, and suggestions for presenting it as a hybrid course. The content is divided into six modules, with options to combine and separate the modules to fit the needs of the CFA facilitator.

Readers can download the entire 154-page curriculum as a single PDF or they can access individual sections. The single-PDF version of the publication includes hyperlinks to all references and resources, and includes an interactive Table of Contents for easy navigation to specific sections. In addition, corresponding PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and handouts can be downloaded individually.

Here is how to access these different files and formats:

Citizen Fire Academy: Curriculum Package for Facilitators and Educators

Module 1: Introductory Module

Module 2: Fire Science

Module 3: Living in a Fire Environment

Module 4: Home Protection Strategies

Module 5: Fuels Reduction Strategies

Module 6: Effective Volunteering and Graduation

Using a Hybrid Approach


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

About the authors

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