Judging Dairy Cattle: Giving Reasons

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Jim Krahn, Kathryn Higgs, Troy Downing and Michael Gamroth
4-H 1109 | Published April 2005, Reviewed 2018


When you want to talk about dairy cattle with someone, you need accurate, meaningful vocabulary words (terminology or terms) in order to understand each other. When you give a set of reasons, an accurate set of terms is just as important as it is in conversation. Also, to compare one cow with another, you need to use phrases and expressions that the listener can clearly understand. So, it is important to develop a good vocabulary of dairy cattle terms. This guide does not include all the terms used by dairy judges. But, students of judging can use it to broaden their dairy cattle vocabulary.

About the authors

Jim Krahn
Executive Director
Oregon Dairy Farmers Association
Kathryn Higgs
Oregon Department of Agriculture

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