Does butter expire?

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The question of when butter is unsafe to eat is a tricky one! There are many food safety resources that have different recommended storage times for butter. So, I'm not surprised that you are unsure whether or not your cookie dough is good to eat.

Butter storage

The varying storage times on butter packaging are based on the type of wrapper that the butter came in and the temperature it is stored at. Here are some tips:

  • Salted butter generally lasts longer.
  • The maximum storage time for unopened butter in the refrigerator stored at 32-38º F is 4 months.
  • If the package was opened, stored in the door of the refrigerator, or left out for a period of time, then the storage time will be only a couple of weeks.
  • If you are not going to use the butter within a couple of weeks of purchasing it, the butter should be stored in the freezer.

The butter you used may have been rancid, which would cause a change in the color of the butter and an unpleasant flavor. Since your cookies will be baked, I would consider this a very low food safety risk. But it will affect the quality and flavor of your cookies.

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