Canning on a glass-top stove?

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You are right. Many of the glass top stoves do not support heavy-weight canners. Here are some alternative options:

  1. Water bath canning: For water bath canners there are some electric models out there that people are using. They are a little slower than the ones on the stove but work well.
  2. Steam canning: These have now been approved for canning. They use a lot less water and will work on the glass stoves. However, they can only be used for foods processed in 45 minutes or less. I have listed a link below that explains the canner and how it works.
  3. Electric pressure canning: Presto does have a digital electric pressure canner that many people are using and like them. They only hold 4 quart jars and you have to follow their guidelines. There has not been an independent testing of this product, however, we hope to have some research done in the near future. We recommend contacting Presto for additional information and research on this canner.
  4. Pressure canning on an induction stove: If you have an induction stove, Presto has now made a pressure canner that will work on the induction stove.
  5. Pressure canning outdoors: The next option is to can outdoors on a propane two or three-burner stove. You will need a patio or place outdoors to do your canning. They work well but need to watch them because they have high BTU than stoves made for indoor use.
    • As for pressure canning, most people are using propane stoves to can on. You need to add a little more water and watch them closely during the canning process so they do not burn dry and warp the canners. The pressure canning companies do not guarantee their canners if you use them on propane stoves but if you watch them and put a little extra water in them they work great.

Here are some additional resources:

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