Photo: Kym Hamann (Cropped from original)

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Cancelled: Animal Science Clinic

Jul 13, 2024 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

This event has been cancelled.

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Jun 1, 2023 to Dakota Lager: [email protected] or 5038423433

Comuníquese con los organizadores del evento para confirmar que este evento se llevará a cabo en español o para solicitar interpretación en español u otras adaptaciones.

This comprehensive clinic is a must for any young agriculturist interested in animal science. With experts from across the state, this day-long event covers everything from daily care and management to showmanship and fair preparation for a variety of animals. A free lunch is included, providing a full day of learning and engagement.

  • Expert-led sessions on various animal care topics
  • Includes lunch and materials for a full-day experience
  • Focus on showmanship and fair preparation

Registration Coming Soon!

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