Tall Fescue Grown for Seed: A Nutrient Management Guide for Western Oregon

Nicole Anderson, Thomas G. Chastain, John M. Hart, William C. Young III and Neil W. Christensen
EM 9099 | Published September 2014, Reviewed 2023


This guide covers key nutrient management topics related to tall fescue grown for seed in western Oregon. Crop growth and timing of nutrient uptake is covered. Specific recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and soil pH provided. A number of appendices address micronutrients, and other research projects that are relevant to the reader audience.

About the authors

Thomas G. Chastain
Associate professor of crop and soil science
Oregon State University
John M. Hart
Professor of crop and soil science emeritus
Oregon State University
William C. Young III
Extension specialist (seed production) emeritus
Oregon State University
Neil W. Christensen
Professor of soil science emeritus
Oregon State University

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