Nitrogen for Bearing Cranberries in North America

Joan Davenport, Carolyn DeMoranville, John M. Hart and Teryl Roper
EM 8741 | Published June 2000, Reviewed 2024


Addresses amounts, timing, and sources of nitrogen (N) fertilization for producing cranberry beds in selected North American growing areas. Fertilizer practices for new and young beds are not discussed. Topics include how to time N fertilization applications; calculate N fertilizer needs; set and adjust target N fertilization rates; and evaluate plant characteristics, such as leaf color and growth, to assess N status. Provides background material on the pathways of N in soil and the physiology of N use in cranberry plants. Lists sources of additional information.

About the authors

Joan Davenport
Assistant professor and soil scientist
Washington State University
Carolyn DeMoranville
Assistant professor of plant nutrition
University of Massachusetts Cranberry Experiment Station
John M. Hart
Extension soil scientist
Oregon State University
Teryl Roper
Professor of horticulture
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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