Linda Coreson, Lyla Hoglum and Pat Spark
4-H 740 | Published January 2006, Reviewed 2016


Welcome to 4-H Ceramics! We prepared this manual to provide you with a basic knowledge of cast ceramics. Ceramics is defined as anything fired in a kiln. A kiln is an oven or furnace in which clay products are baked. Ceramics may be pottery, brick, enamel, glass, sewer pipe, tile, terra cotta, etc. This project is limited to clay projects that are cast or made in plaster-of-Paris molds.

About the authors

Linda Coreson
4-H leader
Polk County
Lyla Hoglum
Extension director of special initiatives and former Extension specialist
4-H youth development
Pat Spark
Former associate professor
Art Department, Oregon State University

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