I have fungus gnats everywhere. Can you help?


Winter is a time that a lot of indoor plants become infested with fungus gnats, due to excessive soil moisture.

How to control fungus gnats

  1. Avoid over-watering houseplants. I suggest that you check the soil before watering to make sure the top inch is dry. The larvae of the fungus gnats live in the top half inch or so of moist soil, so letting the planting medium dry out lessens the chance of infestation.
  2. Use yellow sticky traps. This is not a biological control, but it will reduce the population of adult gnats.
  3. Use Bacillus Thurengiensis Israeli (BTI). Use BTI as a drench to kill the larvae.

For additional information, check out this article for more alternatives: Fungus Gnats, University of California IPM

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