Can a pluot pollinator be plum or apricot?


Pluots, like plums, will also need a pollinizer of a different variety to ensure a good fruit set. Most pluot varieties will pollinate another pluot variety. Another option is planting certain varieties of plum to pollinate the pluot. Plant a Japanese plum tree within 100 feet of the pluot for cross-pollination. Although a pluot is part apricot, another apricot will not serve as a pollinator.

Non-productive fruit trees

The most common reasons for non-productive fruit trees are:

  • Less than 6 hours of sunlight exposure daily
  • Excessive pruning that removes the fruiting wood
  • Lack of irrigation during dry months. The general recommendation is at least once a week, applying adequate water to penetrate 8 to 10 inches deep.

Pluots do not grow in alkaline soil, and they require adequate drainage.

These publications will help you review the situation more thoroughly:

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