Oregon State University Extension Service

Rose pruning, better late or never?

For the last 8-10 yrs I've been good about pruning my climbing rosebush and its has thrived. This year I didn't get to it in February, as I usually do, now it's April and not looking great. Will it harm the bush if I do my usual pruning in April?

The normal time for pruning roses is mid-February to early March. It's a little late in the growing season now so proceed with caution.

Any type of heavy pruning at this point has the potential to reduce flowering. This is because you may prune out the flower buds. Heavy pruning may also reduce the overall size of the plant for the season. Just keep this in mind as you prune so that you don't end up with a surprise later this summer.

If there are many dead canes that can be removed without damaging the foliage then go ahead and prune them out. Removing those canes will help increase air circulation within the plant and help reduce disease problems later in the season. You can also shape the plant-keeping in mind that you may be pruning out some flower buds.

I hope this helps and happy gardening!

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/rose-pruning-better-late-or-never