Oregon State University Extension Service

When should I burn poison oak?

We have several acres of land out near Elmira, Oregon and within that area there was a substantial amount of established poison oak when we purchased the property. I have been digging it out, including the roots, as much as I can. The remainder of our yard waste here ends up in a burn pile, but I'm hesitant to burn the large quantities of poison oak that I'm accumulating. Is there a safe period of time after poison oak has been dug up that the oils have dissolved and its OK to burn? Or how else can it be disposed of it?

Do not burn poison oak. The oil remains active even on non poison oak items for at least a year. The smoke carries the oil wherever. Detached and dried brush still can cause dermatitis, so bury or stack the plant material at an out-of-the-way location, or take it to a disposal site. After it decomposes and sits a year, it should be all right, but still avoid the area if possible until no sign of the plants remain. Again, never burn poison-oak.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/when-should-i-burn-poison-oak