Oregon State University Extension Service

Can Kincaid's Lupine improve my soil?

I'm an urban rental dweller in West Portland, and the soil in my yard appears to be of very poor quality and I can't afford to purchase fertilizer to improve it. My yeard is full of dandelions and weeds currently.

After a little research, I read about the endangered Oregon Kincaid's Lupine and am wondering if that could be planted here for a few years to enrich the soil. Would this work?

Kincaid's Lupine is a rare plant species in Oregon, as you may have found from your research. It might be difficult to find seeds or a propagation of this plant, but if you can, it is worth a try!

This species is associated with upland prairie and oak savanna habitats but can also be found on disturbed sites such as roadcuts and ditch banks. As of 2003, the species had been located on 48 different soil types. It often occurs on heavy soils with mesic to slightly xeric moisture regimes.

Collecting federally threatened plants is illegal without a permit. ​Native plants that are listed as threatened or endangered in Oregon are protected on all non-federal public lands (ORS 564.105). Any land action on Oregon non-federal public lands which results, or might result, in the collection or disturbance of a threatened or endangered species requires either a permit or a consultation with staff at ODA.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/can-kincaids-lupine-improve-my-soil