Oregon State University Extension Service


Come make the best better with us!

4-H offers:

  • Project-based clubs (like sewing, shooting sports, computer science, and animal science)
  • Community clubs
  • After-school programs
  • In-school programs
  • Summer camps
  • Leadership experiences

Most people are familiar with 4-H's project-based clubs, where kids get together with others in their community and learn about specific things they're interested in, like raising dairy goats or backyard chickens.

You can also join a Community Club, where you can get to know 4-H explore different projects that spark your interest. These are especially fun for Cloverbuds (4-H'ers ages 5-8). Cloverbuds aren't old enough to work with large animals or compete on their own, but there are plenty of ways they can learn and get involved.

The new 4-H year starts each year on October 1, but you can join anytime by finding a local club that is accepting new members. Reach out to your local Extension office for more information and to be connected with local club leaders.

Photo: Ashton Robertson (Cropped from original)
Credit: Amanda Loman (Cropped from original)

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/4h/join-4-h