Oregon State University Extension Service

Have a Gardening Question?


Please fill out above form OR email plant questions to

[email protected]

Include name, phone, a detailed description, and color photograph if available.

We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Come to a Master Gardener Plant Clinic!

Master Gardeners are trained by OSU faculty in proper plant care. They can help diagnose plant and garden problems, and give you research-based recommendations on how to solve them.

Bring in your questions to the Hood River County Extension office at 2990 Experiment Station Drive or give us a call: 541-386-3343

Mondays (April-October)
Hood River County Extension Office
2990 Experiment Station Drive

Thursdays (April-October)
9:00 AM- Noon
Hood River County Extension Office
2990 Experiment Station Drive

Saturdays (May-October)
1st Saturdays at Dickey's Farms, Bingen
2nd, 4th, 5th Saturdays at ACE Hardware Hood River Supply

3rd Saturday at Tum A Lum, Hood River

To receive the best possible answer to your gardening question, please provide as much information as possible. This includes bringing a sample of the plant (or insect, spider, etc.) with which you have a question or concern into the Extension office. If it is not practical for you to bring a sample into the office, please provide a photograph that captures the plant or section of your yard with which you have a question or concern. A wide-angle photograph and a close-up are helpful, in many instances. Finally, please allow the Master Gardener volunteers the time they need to comprehensively research your question.

You may also want to check out OSU Extension's gardening resources for information on a variety of topics.

OSU also has several publications of specific interest to home gardeners available online on the OSU Extension Publication Catalog.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/hoodriver/have-gardening-question