Oregon State University Extension Service

OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development at the 2024 Josephine County Fair

This page provides information to help 4-H members, families and volunteers prepare for participation in the 2024 Josephine County fair.

For questions, 4-H members and volunteers should contact [email protected].

Frequently asked questions

Will OSU Extension and 4-H be part of the county fair?

Yes. OSU Extension’s closeout plans due to loss of county funding include supporting activities at the 2024 Josephine County fair.

These activities include an OSU Extension presence with Master Gardener and Master Food Preserver volunteers and opportunities for 4-H’ers to complete their 4-H year by exhibiting market livestock, small animals and static exhibits and competing in the 4-H Foods Contest.

4-H members, clubs and families are encouraged to participate at fair and will be supported as usual by OSU Extension employees and volunteers.

During fair, 4-H members and volunteers should follow all usual practices for animal care, barn chores, exhibitor meetings, show and contest rules, and 4-H procedures including youth code of conduct and adult standards of behavior.

Can 4-H'ers show livestock at the county fair?

Yes. 4-H’ers who have already registered with the Josephine County Youth Livestock Auction are able to participate in showmanship and market shows and sell at the auction.

Exhibitors should be familiar with the Youth Livestock Auction Manual, which outlines policies and procedures.

We assure you that Youth Livestock Auction organizers and superintendents welcome your participation and stand ready to ensure that all youth have a safe and positive experience.

Can 4-H'ers exhibit small animals at the county fair?

Yes. 4-H'ers who have already registered through 4-H can display their rabbit, cavy and poultry entries at the county fair. Judging occurred during the 4-H Expo July.

Can 4-H'ers display their static exhibits at county fair?

Static exhibits that were judged during the 4-H Expo in July are currently held at the Extension office and will be displayed in the Pavilion during the county fair.

Static exhibits may be picked up on Monday, August 12, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Pavilion.

If you do not want your static exhibit displayed at the county fair, please contact Lisa Parlette ([email protected]) by August 5 to make an appointment to pick it up.

Are 4-H members and volunteers covered by OSU’s insurance while participating in the county fair?


4-H members’ participation in the Josephine County fair in the adult-supervised activities described above is part of their 4-H experience. Travel directly to and from the member’s home and fairgrounds for the purpose of participating is also covered.

4-H volunteers acting in their volunteer capacity with duties assigned by OSU faculty are also covered by the university’s liability insurance.

What are the parking arrangements for 4-H members and volunteers during fair?

Each 4-H family with a member registered to exhibit an animal science project at the county fair will receive one fair parking pass.

Passes will be available to pick up at the OSU Extension Office on Tuesday, July 30, from 1 to 6 p.m. If you need to arrange pick up at a different time, contact Lisa Parlette ([email protected]).

What should I do if I have a concern during fair?

OSU Extension has had numerous conversations with our fairgrounds and fair board partners and fellow youth organizations about how we will work together during fair.

Everyone is committed to supporting a safe, positive and fun fair experience for youth, families, volunteers and the community and to working together if concerns arise during fair.

During fair, 4-H members, families and volunteers who have a concern can contact any member of our OSU Extension team who is available onsite to support you, including:

  • Regional Director Jamie Davis: 541-815-0963
  • State 4-H Program Director Cathy Haas: 541-231-2914

We expect all who are participating with or representing OSU Extension and 4-H during the fair to communicate with courtesy and respect and follow all applicable rules and procedures.

Can Josephine County 4-H’ers participate in 4-H events at state fair?

Yes. State fair qualifying events for animal showmanship and static exhibits occurred during the Josephine County 4-H Expo in mid-July.

Is 4-H ending in Josephine County?

Due to loss of county funding, OSU Extension will not be able to maintain an office in the county and programming will be limited for at least the next fiscal year (July 2024-June 2025). OSU Extension will not have local 4-H employees, and the local 4-H program will not exist as it has been. As part of the transition, we will be exploring ways to support local youth who wish to participate in 4-H activities.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/josephine/announcements/osu-extension-4-h-youth-development-2024-josephine-county-fair