Oregon State University Extension Service

Lessons from the Garden

Multnomah County Master Gardener Demonstration Garden

SE 57th Ave about 500 feet south of SE Duke Street. Park on east side of SE 57th Avenue
Portland, OR
United States


Since 2008, Master Gardeners have vigilantly planned, sowed, planted, tended, and harvested at the Multnomah County Master Gardener Demonstration Garden. They have followed research-based gardening techniques and have learned real-time lessons in the garden through triumphs and challenges.

Join the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association in the garden, as OSU Master Gardener volunteers Sally Campbell and Carole Hardy share valuable lessons from the garden. Sally and Carole will discuss the importance of soil health and the interdependence of plants and animals in successfully growing food crops in an urban environment. They will showcase specific techniques used to help build resilience to climate change while producing food; along with other insights gleaned in the garden.

The presentation will include a short walking tour of the garden to see various examples of regenerative practices, soil water management/conservation, promotion of beneficial organisms, and integrated pest management, all components of a holistic ecosystem approach to gardening. ­­­­­­

Sally Campbell has been an OSU Master Gardener volunteer since 2011. Sally holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology (Pitzer College) and a Master’s in Plant Pathology from Oregon State University and worked for the US Forest Service for 30 years as a forest pathologist. Her interests at the demo garden have been dry farming, growing vegetables, insect and disease diagnosis and management.

Carole Hardy became a Master Gardener in 2022 shortly after completing her Masters in Environmental Science and Management at PSU where she now teaches courses in forest ecology and environmental policy. She has a passion for restoring urban ecosystems to support both people and wildlife. She puts that passion and knowledge to work at the Demo Garden leading the design and maintenance of several of the perennial beds in the garden.

Accommodation request deadline
Contact name
Marcia McIntyre
Contact phone
Contact email

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/metro/events/lessons-garden